Procurement of
equipment and tools for VETA Mtwara (VETA Lindi to follow later) is underway as
part of raising standards to meet the international qualifications in
delivering and imparting skills to both teachers and students. Raising
standards of VETA Mtwara and VETA Lindi is crucial for international
accreditation and so is the employability of students in the national and international
gas industries and related services.
The project also
expects that 50% of students will be employed in the gas related industries and
services. As part of improving livelihood to young people, the remaining 50% of
students who might not find jobs in industries and service companies are
expected to benefit from entrepreneurship skills for self employability. VSO
Tanzania is currently under recruitment of Entrepreneurship technical advisor
who will build the capacity to VETA teachers and students as well on
entrepreneurship skills to enable students to be self employed.
City and Guilds
(C&G) College have been commissioned by the project to deliver trainings
and technical support to VETA centres and teachers as part of international
accreditation process of VETA. Currently, C&G have granted VETA South East
Zone as C&G exams center and final accreditation is expected to be at the
end of 2014.
One-on-one coaching
by VSO technical advisors to students and teachers is also among the continuous
activities in the project. Apart from coaching, VETA teachers and VSO technical
advisors have also been sharing experiences on their specialties.
Industrial linkages
and apprenticeship is underway to enable students and teachers get exposed into
gas industries and related services for more practical experience and skills.
Part of this strategy is establishment of project advisory committee from
potential Mtwara/Lindi based companies and service providers who will
critically advise the project/VETA Mtwara and Lindi centres based on their
specialized areas of services and operations.
awareness to local communities about EEVT project and also getting feedback
from them on how they view the project.
Establishment and or
strengthening of the monitoring, evaluation and research processes for project
evaluation and systematic measuring of impact. Specifically, putting in place
the tracking mechanism to trace all young people on their status of
employability after graduation. We are also working on the
establishment/strengthening of M&ER system which will enable the project to
measure the progress of students during and after the graduation. Currently, an
income survey is under preparation to assess the status (baseline data) of
previous graduants in 2010 – 2012. Findings from this study will be helpful to
provide the grounds of project’s success.
Strengthening and
capacity building of health and safety committees (Mtwara and Lindi) for health
and safety compliance issues.
In its broader terms, the EEVT project
through three partners of VSO Tanzania, VETA and BG Tanzania have conducted an
in-depth assessment of the vocational skills gaps in the Tanzanian Oil &
Gas sector. The assessment also cultivates the mapping of the current
initiatives taken by different stakeholders to address these gaps and the
broader strategic mitigation to address these challenges.
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni