Partners implementing the EEVT project

Partners implementing the EEVT project

Project Profile

The EEVT Project is implemented by the Vocational Education Training Authority (VETA) and international development charity VSO, in partnership with BG Tanzania. The EEVT project (Enhancing Employability through Vocational Training) aims at improving the employability of young people in the regions of Mtwara and Lindi, with a focus on the growing demand for skilled labour in the gas industry and related services. Over 2 years, VETA teachers and their students will be trained by tutors from VSO. On the long run, VETA will be capable of producing a steady stream of qualified craftsmen and teachers.

More than 620 students from VETA Mtwara and more than 224 students from VETA Lindi are benefiting from the project. The number of students benefiting from the project will continue to increase as more students continue to join for both short and long courses while others graduating as from 2014. 4 Teachers from VETA Lindi and 7 VETA Mtwara are also part of beneficiaries in this project through capacity building (training by City and Guilds) and also one-on one coaching from VSO technical advisors.

The EEVT project is governed by the signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) which among other things stipulates the role of each partner to the project. GIZ, VETA, VSO Tanzania and Tanzania LNG have signed the MOU which provides the framework of all operations and project activities
in a model of partnership approach. On 10th October 2013, the three partners have also signed another MOU for EEVT VETA Lindi extension in the presence of Hon. First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete who was the Guest of Honour during inauguration of the project in Lindi. Prior the Lindi inauguration, the same project was also inaugurated in November 2012 by Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib
Bilal at VETA Mtwara. The project steering committee, with membership representation from GIZ, VETA, Tanzania LNG and VSO Tanzania, is the top overseer and decisive body of the project.

Since 2014, the project has scaled up in terms of support and recognition where more extractive companies have joined their forces to support the project. Currently, the project is supported by GIZ and Tanzania LNG Plant Project - a joint venture combined of 5 major O&G companies (BG Group, Ophir, Pavilion Energy, ExxonMobil and Statoil). The first phase of the project ended in December 2015 (2012-2015) and the second was extended for the next 2 years from January 2016 to December 2017.

Among the notable and key components covered in phase includes industry Links program, Capacity of Centers, Quality of Training, International Accreditation and Career Matching. These five components form the basis of EEVT phase two project where a block system approach will be introduced and placing industry links at the core of the project. In addition, phase two has added three new trades based on the experience of phase one; scaffolding, plant operator and industrial painting of which the training is expected to be provided in short course basis.

Alhamisi, 24 Oktoba 2013





Confidence to respond to the questions was also an interesting part of the radio program especially to girls who were very active during the program. Amina Fakihi a student from VETA Mtwara responding to the question posed by radio presenter during the live talk show with Pride FM Mtwara.
Some questions came from the radio presenter to the student as part of making sure the agenda is fully exhausted. In this photo ; Amina Fakihi trying to understand the question from radio presenter (not seen) during one of the live talk show/discussion.
High concentration and closer to the microphone to make sure the listener gest what he/she deserves from the student on air was also interesting thing.
It was about listening and responding precisely to the issues raised by the communities for the improvement of the project. VETA Teacher Mr. Nyangawa keeping concentration while the program goes on.
The radio program was very successful with a number of communities giving positive comments, constructive challenges and questions regarding the EEVT project. Here VETA teacher; Mr. Mmari responding to one of the listener's question during the live talk show.
VETA teacher from Electrical workshop (Mr. Mmari) was also very keen to jot down questions from listeners around Lindi and Mtwara. At least 80% of questions were meant to ask for clarifications on how to get enrolled, school fees structure, access to the EEVT project and entry qualification.
Some of the issues and questions were directly related to the project. The VSO EEVT Project Manager (Mawazo Mataje) had to clarify to the communities. But this was very rarely because wanted beneficiaries to speak for themselves.
The radio program was also about getting feedback from the communities and sometimes you need a very high concentration because young people within Mtwara and Lindi were also asking questions to their fellows. In this photo; Asha Seleman from Electrical workshop looks very keen to listen to a question from the listener.
It was about explaining how the EEVT project facilitate the youth in VETA Mtwara and VETA Lindi to get exposed into international expertise and experience from VSO advisors.
Radio Presenter -Assad Mdimu (Pride FM Mtwara) is in action to let the discussion go with VETA students and their teachers.


Health and Safety is the priority not only in the workshop but more important in the industry sector including gas and oil where EEVT project is targeting.
Health and Safety is also of paramount importance when it comes into meeting international standards. These students demonstrate such practices during the rehabilitation of welding & fabrication workshop this October 2013
Improvement of workshop is crucial before delivery of new equipment and tools from EEVT project. Skilled labour requires relevant practical similar to those in the gas industry and related services. The boys above are seen from welding and fabrication workshop


VETA teacher (R) giving explanations on how simulation learning machine operates to the Guest of Honour First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete (C). VSO Tanzania has been tasked in this project to provide technical advisors from developed countries who will provide one-on-one coaching to VETA teachers as part of the EEVT partnership project and improving the skills of VETA teachers at the international standard.
Christina - one of the anticipated beneficiary student from VETA Lindi  explaining her case study case to Guest of Honour and other invitees on the challenges she faced when joining electrical installation trade. It was very interesting to hear girls are taking trades which used to be perceived as meant for boys only.
The First Lady Hon. Mama Salma Kikwete delivering speech as the Guest of Honour during launching of the gas & oil related opportunities project (EEVT) at VETA Lindi in October 2013. VETA, VSO Tanzania and BG Tanzania (Donor) have teamed up to support youth in Lindi and Mtwara on gas industry links and opportunities related to gas and oil.
The long awaited event it was later accomplished by the Guest of Honour; Hon. Salma Kikwete to cut the ribbon which signaled official launch of the EEVT project for VETA Lindi. It also allowed the signing of the partnership MoU between VETA, BG Tanzania and VSO Tanzania.
L-R; Eng. Zebadiah Moshi (Director General - VETA), Kathryn Mcphail (Vice President Sustainability - BG Group East Africa) and Jean Van Wetter (Country Director - VSO Tanzania) as seen when signing the MoU partnership for the EEVT project for VETA Lindi on gas and oil related opportunities. Far right is Leah Lukindo (Vocational Training Director - VETA)
Director General (VETA Tanzania) Eng. Zebadiah Moshi receiving his original copy from Guest of Honour First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete in October 2013, VETA Lindi.
Vice President of BG East Africa (Sustainability) Kathryn Mcphail (c) receiving a original copy of MoU from First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete in this October 2013 at VETA Lindi. British Gas group through British Gas Tanzania is the core donor of the project in partnership with VETA and VSO Tanzania
VSO Tanzania Country Director, receiving his original copy of MoU from the Guest of Honour for EEVT project at VETA Lindi in October 2013

From left to right; Guest of Honour First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete, Vice President of BG East Africa Kathryn Mcphail, Director General (VETA) Z. Moshi and Jean .V. Wetter (VSO Country Director) holding their MoUs after signing on EEVT Project extended to VETA Lindi.
Students were also not left out as primary beneficiaries of the EEVT project; they had also the memorial photo with First Lady Mama Kikwete
A group photo of First Lady (Mama S. Kikwete) with Members of Parliament (back), government officials and partners (VSO and BG group) in front of VETA Lindi Admin block.
First Lady Hon. Mama Salma Kikwete shaking hands after attending and officially launching the EEVT Project at VETA Lindi in October 2013.

First Lady Hon. Mama Salma Kikwete walks along side Director General (VETA) after having a group photo with various leaders during launching of EEVT project on gas and oil opportunities at VETA Lindi in October 2013



 Minister of Education and Vocational Training (MoVET) Hon. Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa, giving remarks before welcoming the Guest of Honour during the launch of EEVT project at VETA Mtwara (Nov 2012)
Vice President of Tanzania; Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal delivering speech during inauguration of EEVT project at VETA Mtwara in November 2012  
Director General (VETA), Eng. Zebadiah Moshi giving remarks and introduction on behalf of VETA staff and VSO Tanzania during the launch of EEVT project - VETA Mtwara (Nov 2012)
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from VSO HQ in UK - Marg Mayne, delivering her remarks during the launch of EEVT project at VETA Mtwara (Nov2012) 
A moment of cherish and exchange of words; L-R; Vice President of Tanzania Dr. Mohamed G. Bilal and CEO of VSO Marg Mayne after the launch of the gas industry project for Mtwara and Lindi
Vice President of Tanzania Dr. M.G. Bilal shaking hands with the CEO of VSO - Marg Mayne during the launch of EEVT project Mtwara 
Country Director for VSO Tanzania - Jean Van Wetter in an Interview with BBC World Service.  
Members of the British Gas Group (in front) and VSO at the back in the group photo after the launch of the gas industry related project (EEVT) in November 2012 at VETA Mtwara. 
Group photo of VSO technical advisors, VSO staff, BG group staff and VETA staff after the launch of the EEVT project at VETA Mtwara in November 2012

Vice President of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Mohamed G. Bilal (C) cutting the ribbon to show the sign of launching the EEVT project (Nov 2012) as witnessed by Dr. S. Kawambwa (Minister of Education and Vocational Training - R) and Mtwara Regional Commissioner (L) Colonel Joseph Simbakalila.