Partners implementing the EEVT project

Partners implementing the EEVT project

Project Profile

The EEVT Project is implemented by the Vocational Education Training Authority (VETA) and international development charity VSO, in partnership with BG Tanzania. The EEVT project (Enhancing Employability through Vocational Training) aims at improving the employability of young people in the regions of Mtwara and Lindi, with a focus on the growing demand for skilled labour in the gas industry and related services. Over 2 years, VETA teachers and their students will be trained by tutors from VSO. On the long run, VETA will be capable of producing a steady stream of qualified craftsmen and teachers.

More than 620 students from VETA Mtwara and more than 224 students from VETA Lindi are benefiting from the project. The number of students benefiting from the project will continue to increase as more students continue to join for both short and long courses while others graduating as from 2014. 4 Teachers from VETA Lindi and 7 VETA Mtwara are also part of beneficiaries in this project through capacity building (training by City and Guilds) and also one-on one coaching from VSO technical advisors.

The EEVT project is governed by the signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) which among other things stipulates the role of each partner to the project. GIZ, VETA, VSO Tanzania and Tanzania LNG have signed the MOU which provides the framework of all operations and project activities
in a model of partnership approach. On 10th October 2013, the three partners have also signed another MOU for EEVT VETA Lindi extension in the presence of Hon. First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete who was the Guest of Honour during inauguration of the project in Lindi. Prior the Lindi inauguration, the same project was also inaugurated in November 2012 by Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib
Bilal at VETA Mtwara. The project steering committee, with membership representation from GIZ, VETA, Tanzania LNG and VSO Tanzania, is the top overseer and decisive body of the project.

Since 2014, the project has scaled up in terms of support and recognition where more extractive companies have joined their forces to support the project. Currently, the project is supported by GIZ and Tanzania LNG Plant Project - a joint venture combined of 5 major O&G companies (BG Group, Ophir, Pavilion Energy, ExxonMobil and Statoil). The first phase of the project ended in December 2015 (2012-2015) and the second was extended for the next 2 years from January 2016 to December 2017.

Among the notable and key components covered in phase includes industry Links program, Capacity of Centers, Quality of Training, International Accreditation and Career Matching. These five components form the basis of EEVT phase two project where a block system approach will be introduced and placing industry links at the core of the project. In addition, phase two has added three new trades based on the experience of phase one; scaffolding, plant operator and industrial painting of which the training is expected to be provided in short course basis.

Jumamosi, 9 Novemba 2013

PRESS RELEASE - Vocational Skills Gaps for the Tanzanian Oil and Gas Sector

Press Release

Dar es Salaam, 5th November 2013 – The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), the Vocational Education Training Authority (VETA), BG Tanzania and VSO jointly organized yesterday a workshop on the vocational skills gaps for the growing Tanzanian oil and gas sector. The aim of the workshop was to share, discuss and validate the conclusions of an in-depth assessment study of the vocational training gaps that has been conducted by BG in collaboration with VETA, Stow College and VSO in the last 3 months.

Tanzania is currently facing a significant gap between the skills the economy needs and the skills the education system delivers. In order to meet Government aspirations for Tanzania to become a Middle Income Country by 2025, as set out in its Vision 2025, there needs to be an overall increase of 20% of medium skilled labour, especially in certified trades and crafts.  This is particularly evident in gas sector related skills, where without further training very few are likely to be able to access employment opportunities beyond the lowest level of skills.
The workshop was chaired by the Director of Technical and Vocational Training of the MoEVT, Mr. Thomas Dickson Katebalirwe, and involved more than 60 representatives from Government, private sector, donor partners and civil society.  

The workshop concluded the following:  
-       The largest numbers of direct and indirect employment opportunities in relation to the emerging gas sector will be generated during the construction of infrastructure, including a potential LNG development estimated to commence 2016/17. Most of these opportunities will be of a vocational nature.
-       There are a number of transferable vocational trades (eg pipe welding, carpentry, electrician) which have been identified as being relevant to the emerging gas sector which would provide the country with a sustainable asset that could benefit the country’s development more generally.
-       There are already a number of VETA institutes providing training in these transferable vocational trades to around 17,000 students. In the short term, the priority focus should therefore be on improving the quality of these programmes to ensure that these and subsequently enrolled students become employable graduates. Ensuring these programmes meet international industry standards is critical.
-       There is a clear role for industry to support these efforts, but achieving these ambitious objectives will require a wider collaboration between government, industry, NGOs, practitioners and development partners.
-       There are already several Tanzanian successes being delivered with existing resources, including among others, VETA’s existing partnership programme with BG Tanzania and VSO in Mtwara and Lindi. These are delivering impressive results in terms of improvements in both quality and capacity. There is a need for a coordination mechanism to be set up to enhance dialogue with key actors and consolidate and scale up these Tanzanian successes.

The Director of Technical and Vocational Training of the MoEVT welcomed the coordination efforts and said that the MoEVT was committed to further invest in technical and vocational education training and coordinate  efforts of various stakeholders in the field”.

VETA director of training Leah Lukindo emphasized on the “willingness of VETA to reinforce its links with the industry to make the VETA curriculum more relevant to their needs”.

 BG East Africa Vice President for Sustainability Kathryn McPhail said “BG was delighted to be working in partnership with VETA and VSO to enhance the employability of local people in Tanzania and that current initiatives taken by BG Tanzania in Mtwara and Lindi were already showing positive effects.”
VSO country director Jean Van Wetter “welcomed the willingness from stakeholders to coordinate their efforts and highlighted that the current workshop was just the beginning of more collaboration in the sector”.
Another workshop will be organized in the coming weeks to set-up agreed coordination mechanisms and start to scale up successful initiatives.
For more information, please contact:
1. BG Tanzania: Kate Sullam, Social Performance Manager at
2. VETA: Leah Lukindo, Director of Training, at
3. VSO: Jean Van Wetter, Country Director, at

Jumatatu, 4 Novemba 2013


VSO Tanzania staff with an invited member (lady) posing for  the group photo after concluding the workshop on vocational gaps skills study in Tanzanian oil and gas sector at ILO head office in Dar.
An outside photo for some staff from VSO Tanzania and invited member in front of the workshop poster at ILO head office in Dar
Mr. Thomas Katebalirwe (Director of Technical and Vocational Education and Training - Ministry of Education and Vocational training) giving closing remarks after constructive and promising discussion on vocational gaps skills study on Tanzanian gas and oil sector at ILO head office in Dar.
M&E Programme Manager (VSO Tanzania - Russell Gates) giving an overview and wrap ups of the discussion to the participants on vocational gaps skills study on Tanzanian gas and oil sector at ILO head office in Dar.
Director of Vocational Education and Training - VETA (L. Lukindo - R) giving clarifications to some of the issues and comments from the invited participants
Representative from Statoil (one of the oil and gas exploration company) giving his comments and remarks on the report
Invited members continue to give their inputs to the report
Invited participants giving their comments and inputs to the vocational gaps skills study
Remarks delivery from Jean Van Wetter (VSO Tanzania)
Jean Van Wetter (VSO Tanzania-Country Director) delivering his remarks during the presentation of the study in ILO head office - Dar
L-R; Generali Ulimwengu (moderator), Kate Sullam (BG Tanzania) and Jean Van Wetter (VSO Tanzania) as seen taking a very close follow up of the study 
Presentation of key findings from the study
Some of the invited members taking part and follow up the presentation of the vocational skills gaps in Tanzanian gas and oil sector, ILO office in Dar
Kate Sullam (BG Tanzania's Social Performance Manager) giving remarks to participants before the presentation of the study at ILO head office in Dar
Moderator of the discussion; Generali Ulimwengu taking a follow up of the presentation
Vice President of East Africa BG (front) and Jean (VSO Country Director) making a close follow up of the study presentation (not seen) at ILO head office
Representative from Ministry of Energy and Minerals delivering his official opening speech prior the start of the presentation at ILO head office
The Director of Vocational Training Education (VETA) L. Lukindo delivering her remarks prior the presentation of the study results at ILO head office - Dar


With the discoveries of gas in the offshore of Tanzania and more specifically in Southern part of Tanzania (Mtwara and Lindi), a number of speculations and uncertainties emerged as the result of what exactly is all about when it comes into gas opportunities. Very limited job opportunities might be available in the direct gas operations. But related and trickledown opportunities are said to account for more than 75 per cent of gas activities. Gas sector as new in Tanzania is still struggling with a number of key information that communities would need to know. For instance, production of gas is said by the experts to have taken around 20 -35 years since explorations and discoveries and until construction of LNG plant (liquidified natural gas) and gas product.

 However, in the course of this process (from discovery until product of gas) a number of job opportunities may be created which would require a number of skilled labors in the gas and oil job markets. Skilled labor in the oil and gas sector is one of the critical areas that the EEVT project is attempting to address by preparing the youth and other people to be equipped with craftsmanship skills relevant to gas and oil related sector.

In this 4th of November 2013, VETA, VSO, ILO and BG Tanzania commissioned the STOW College to conduct an in-depth vocational skills gaps study in Tanzanian oil and gas sector. The workshop was held at ILO head office in Dar-es-salaam with participation of a number of partners in employers, gas companies, media people, financial organizations and amongst others. The discussion was moderated by a prominent Journalist and activist – Generali Ulimwengu. The study was meant to identify the skills gaps in Tanzanian gas and oil sector with the proposed mitigation on the same. VETA Tanzania has been identified as the potential partner in creating craftsmanship skills in the Tanzanian gas and oil sector under EEVT project. Therefore, the study also focused on how VETA can provide relevant skills compatible to the demands on employers in the Tanzanian gas and oil sector.

The findings were based on the following three major areas
1.      Availability of VET facilities and resources
2.      Capacity of VET systems and
3.      Quality of VET deliveries

  • Quality as the priority at the international level
  • Industry participation in the EEVT project and the sector at large
  • To scale up the project
  • Coordination and dialogue with other partners
  • Another meeting will be held in the near future with more focus on the way forward about coordination and how such challenges can be addressed collaboratively.
The research survey has shown that VET systems face a number of challenges from curriculums relevant on gas sector, teacher qualifications, entry qualifications, inadequacy of facilities/infrastructures, low participation of gas employers in VETA to practical/apprenticeship programs. However, it was quite obvious that of all the challenges identified it was the apprenticeship training program which seemed a pivotal to discussion.

Most of the VETA students and more specifically from the EEVT project do not have competency in practical operations in gas and oil sector. The participants went further by identifying that the practical competency was not only the VETA challenge but even more on other education institutions. The study has also proposed the VET system to consider more on competency based assessment than academic based assessment in order to fit in the skills of the gas and oil job markets.


Now with the official launch of enhancing employability through vocational training (EEVT) in VETA Lindi on 10th of October 2013 by Hon. Mama Salma Kikwete, a number of operations have been going around the workshops. The City and Guilds based in Nairobi branch have been providing the training and support to VETA Lindi and VETA Mtwara teachers.

Teachers in VETA Lindi and VETA Mtwara are taking the initiatives to meet the international standards in delivery of the training programs. As part of this, we look into some of the photos demonstrating the practical experience taken from the workshop level in VETA Lindi and VETA Mtwara 
A girl student from electrical (right) being assessed by her teacher (L) during practical training sessions at VETA Lindi.
Christina(student from VETA Lindi Electrical workshop - L) being supervised by her teacher during one of the practical training program. You may also notice the assessment log book used to give marks to trainee being held by the teacher
VETA Lindi in its view from classrooms
Carpentry workshops from Lindi
VETA Lindi in its administration building view

Ijumaa, 25 Oktoba 2013


-          Procurement of equipment and tools for VETA Mtwara (VETA Lindi to follow later) is underway as part of raising standards to meet the international qualifications in delivering and imparting skills to both teachers and students. Raising standards of VETA Mtwara and VETA Lindi is crucial for international accreditation and so is the employability of students in the national and international gas industries and related services.
-  The project also expects that 50% of students will be employed in the gas related industries and services. As part of improving livelihood to young people, the remaining 50% of students who might not find jobs in industries and service companies are expected to benefit from entrepreneurship skills for self employability. VSO Tanzania is currently under recruitment of Entrepreneurship technical advisor who will build the capacity to VETA teachers and students as well on entrepreneurship skills to enable students to be self employed.
-          City and Guilds (C&G) College have been commissioned by the project to deliver trainings and technical support to VETA centres and teachers as part of international accreditation process of VETA. Currently, C&G have granted VETA South East Zone as C&G exams center and final accreditation is expected to be at the end of 2014.
-          One-on-one coaching by VSO technical advisors to students and teachers is also among the continuous activities in the project. Apart from coaching, VETA teachers and VSO technical advisors have also been sharing experiences on their specialties.
-          Industrial linkages and apprenticeship is underway to enable students and teachers get exposed into gas industries and related services for more practical experience and skills. Part of this strategy is establishment of project advisory committee from potential Mtwara/Lindi based companies and service providers who will critically advise the project/VETA Mtwara and Lindi centres based on their specialized areas of services and operations.
-          Disseminating awareness to local communities about EEVT project and also getting feedback from them on how they view the project.
-          Establishment and or strengthening of the monitoring, evaluation and research processes for project evaluation and systematic measuring of impact. Specifically, putting in place the tracking mechanism to trace all young people on their status of employability after graduation. We are also working on the establishment/strengthening of M&ER system which will enable the project to measure the progress of students during and after the graduation. Currently, an income survey is under preparation to assess the status (baseline data) of previous graduants in 2010 – 2012. Findings from this study will be helpful to provide the grounds of project’s success.
-          Strengthening and capacity building of health and safety committees (Mtwara and Lindi) for health and safety compliance issues.
-          In its broader terms, the EEVT project through three partners of VSO Tanzania, VETA and BG Tanzania have conducted an in-depth assessment of the vocational skills gaps in the Tanzanian Oil & Gas sector. The assessment also cultivates the mapping of the current initiatives taken by different stakeholders to address these gaps and the broader strategic mitigation to address these challenges.


Part of Mtwara port as seen from the above; the port is still under rehabilitation. Mtwara port is among the partners where VETA students can get exposed into various specialized areas of skills like issues of health & safety, welding, plumbing systems, electrical installation and amongst others. Students may be invited at times when the port has major operations of which students can have practical experience in the industries. The idea is to have as many potential partners in Mtwara and Lindi as we can.
Electrical installation is among the key component in the gas and oil industry; VSO technical advisor (Kayley) demonstrating the proper use of electrical machine to VETA student. VSO Tanzania is committed to bring in the qualified technical advisors who together with the City and Guilds will improve the standards of workshops at the international level.
Industrial linkages and apprenticeship for VETA students is among the critical parts of the EEVT project. Such practical experience like this one is highly needed for likelihood of VETA students employability in gas and oil related opportunities. BG Tanzania, VSO and VETA are all committed to mitigate such challenges through increasing partnership and establishment of project advisory committee with members from gas and oil industries and related services
Rehabilitation of Mtwara Port is directly and indirectly linked with EEVT project where some of students will be exposed into practical experience to some of the operations.
Proper use of machine with health and safety measures is among the key areas of project and in the gas and oil industry as well. Students being coached on proper use of machine by Paul (VSO welding and fabrication technical advisor)
One-on-one coaching between VSO technical advisor - Michael (R) and VETA teacher - Mr. Mdula (L) is key for improving skills and imparting knowledge/sharing of experience between VETA teachers and VSO advisors.


10 OKTOBA, 2013


Naibu Waziri wa Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi Stadi -
Mheshimiwa Philipo Mulugo (Mb)
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Lindi  -
Mheshimiwa Ludovick Mwananzila
Mkuu wa wilaya ya Lindi;
Mkurugenzi Mkuu VETA – Eng Zebadiah  S. Moshi
Mkurugenzi wa Elimu na Mafunzo ya ufundi – Leah Lukindo
Meneja wa Tanzania wa  British Gas – Kate Sullam
Mkurugenzi wa Tanzania wa Volunteer Service Organisation – Jean Van Wetter
Mkurugenzi wa VETA kanda ya kusini mashariki – Wilhard Soko
Wakuu wa vyuo vya VETA Lindi na Lindi  
Washirika  wengine wa Maendeleo;
Waheshimiwa Viongozi wa Vyama vya Siasa;
Waheshimiwa Wabunge;
Viongozi wa Serikali;
Viongozi wa Dini;
Wageni Waalikwa;
Mabibi na Mabwana:

Ndugu Wananchi:
Awali ya yote namshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu kwa kutukutanisha mahali hapa katika kutekeleza majukumu ya Kitaifa kwa jamii na hasa vijana ambao ndio kundi lengwa kwa siku ya leo.

Ninayo furaha kubwa pia kuja hapa Lindi kuzindua awamu ya pili ya Mradi wa Mafunzo na Elimu ya Ufundi Stadi kwa ajili ya Sekta ya Gesi na Mafuta ya Petroli wenye madhumuni ya kuimarisha ajira kwa vijana kupitia ufundi stadi Lindi  (Enhancing Employability through Vocational Training – EEVT).

Ninapenda kuanza kwa kutoa shukurani na pongezi zangu za dhati na kipekee kwa Kampuni ya British Gas ya Uingereza, Voluntary Services Organisation (VSO Tanzania) ya Uingereza, Wizara ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi, VETA, na wote walioshiriki kufanikisha kuanzishwa na kuendelezwa kwa Mradi huu. Ninapenda pia, kuwashukuru washirika wengine wa maendeleo ambao wameshiriki kwa namna moja au nyingine katika kufanikisha kuanza kwa Mradi huu hususan Serikali ya Uingereza kupitia Idara yake ya Maendeleo ya Kimataifa (DFID), British Council, Serikali na wananchi wa Mkoa wa Lindi .  

 Naipongeza pia Bodi ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi Stadi chini ya  Mwenyekiti wake Prof. Idrissa Bilal Mshoro pamoja na Menejimenti ya Mamlaka ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi Stadi (VETA) inayoongozwa na Eng. Zebadiah Moshi, kwa kuhamasisha uanzishwaji wa Mradi huu na sasa tuko katika hatua ya pili ya uzinduzi wa mradi kwa mkoa wa Lindi, hongereni sana. Nina imani kubwa kuwa wataendelea kufanya kazi nzuri ili malengo ya Mradi huu yaweze kutimia. Pia, ninatambua kazi kubwa iliyofanywa katika awamu ya kwanza ya mradi huu katika chuo cha ufundi VETA Mtwara na sasa awamu ya pili kwa VETA Lindi.

 Shukurani za pekee pia ziwaendee kampuni ya British Gas ambayo imeonesha ushiriki mzuri katika kufadahili mradi huu kwa chuo hiki cha Lindi . British Gas ambao ni washirika wakuu wa mradi huu Pamoja na mchango mkubwa wa ajira kwa washiriki, makampuni ya Petroli na Gesi watapata wafanyakazi walioiva vizuri na hivyo kuongeza tija katika kazi na uzalishaji kwa vijana na jamii ya Lindi na maeneo ya jirani.

Ndugu Wananchi;
Natambua kuwa mradi kama huu tayari umeanza kwa mkoa wa Mtwara katika chuo cha ufundi VETA Mtwara ambapo Mheshimiwa Makamu wa Rais wa Tanzania Dk. Gharib Bilal alizindua mradi huo pale Mtwara mwishoni mwa mwaka jana 2012. Ninajisikia mwenye furaha kufanya vivyo hivyo katika uzinduzi huu kwa mkoa wa Lindi nikiamini vijana wa Lindi na maeneo mengine watafaidika na fursa hii. Serikali itaendelea kutoa ushirikiano kwa wadau wote wa maendeleo kupitia vyombo husika kama VETA ili kujenga mazingira mazuri ya kutoa ajira.

 Nimepewa taarifa kuwa mradi huu ambao utakuwa wa miaka 2 kuanzia 2013 hadi 2015  ambapo wanafunzi zaidi ya 224 watapata mafunzo toka kwa walimu wenye uzoefu wa kimataifa kwa kushirikiana na walimu wa hapa Lindi na kukifanya chuo cha ufundi stadi Lindi kuwa cha kiwango cha kimataifa. Pia mradi huu  utaboresha kozi za chuo ili ziendane na mahitaji ya soko hususani sekta ya Gesi na Mafuta.

 Katika kufanikisha hilo, nimeambiwa kuwa walimu 4 katika karakana 4 za hapa Lindi watajengewa uwezo kwa kupewa kozi zenye hadhi ya kimataifa ili wapate tuzo zinazotambulika kimataifa.  Nimefurahi sana kusikia kuwa walimu hawa 4 tayari wameanza kujengewa uwezo kwa kushirikiana na wenzao wa VETA Mtwara. Vilevile, Wataalamu wa kimataifa kutoka shirika la VSO wameanza kutoa ushauri na uzoefu wao kwa kushirikiana na walimu wetu wa hapa VETA Lindi hasa kwa kuzingitia fursa za gesi na mafuta. Mradi huu pia utaboresha matumizi ya lugha ya kiingereza kwa walimu wasiopungua 15 kwa sababu vijana wetu wanatarajiwa kuajiriwa katika makampuni ya ndani na ya kimataifa, hivyo lugha ya kiingereza nyenzo muhimu ya mawasiliano.

 Ndugu Wananchi
Ushiriki wa wananchi, utayari wao wa kumiliki maendeleo yao na kujituma kwao pamoja na uongozi na usimamizi mzuri wa Serikali ya Mkoa utakuwa ndio chachu ya mafanikio ya Mradi huu. Mradi huu utakuwa na mchango mkubwa kwa wananchi wa Mkoa wa Lindi , Mikoa ya jirani na Taifa kwa ujumla katika kuboresha hali ya maisha ya kaya kwa kuwapatia ujuzi mbalimbali katika Sekta ya Gesi na Mafuta ya Petroli, utakao wawezesha wahitimu kujiajiri au kuajiriwa.

 Ndugu Mabibi na Mabwana
Ninatoa ombi na rai kuwa makampuni mengi yajitokeze kushiriki katika mradi huu kwani una mafanikio makubwa si kwa wahitimu peke yake bali kwa makampuni pia kwani watapata wafanyakazi mahiri watakao tumia muda mfupi kuelewa wajibu wao.  Wito wangu kwa VETA ni kupanua wigo wa mashirikiano na waajiri ili tuweze kujenga nguvu kazi itakayokidhi matakwa ya soko la ajira ili tuweze kufanikiwa kufikia malengo ya mipango ya kitaifa kama Mpango wa Taifa wa miaka 5, Mkakati wa kukuuza uchumi na kupunguza umasikini awamu ya 2, Matokeo makubwa sasa (Big Result Now) na hivyo kuifikia dira ya maendeleo ya Taifa 2025 ya kuwa nchi yenye pato la kati.  Mafunzo ya ufundi Stadi katika nchi mbalimbali imekuwa chachu ya maendeleo.  Ninaahidi kuwa serikali kama inavyoyapa msisitizo mafunzo ya ufundi stadi kipaumbele, itaendelea kuijengea VETA uwezo ili iweze kumudu majukumu yake.
Ndugu wananchi
Kwa namna ya kipekee sana naomba nitoe msisitizo nikiwa kama mama lakini pia kama mmoja wa wana-maendeleo katika Mkoa wa Lindi. Ninatambua changamoto za mtoto wa kike katika kupata elimu kwa ngazi zote. Ni matumaini yangu kuwa fursa hii ya mradi huu itatoa mwanga kwa mtoto wa kike. Nitoe wito kwa wazazi na walezi kuwajengea mazingira mazuri watoto wa kike ili washiriki sawa na watoto wa kiume katika kunufaika na mradi huu. Wataalamu wanasema; ukimuelimisha mtoto wa kike umeelimisha jamii nzima. Tutumie fursa hii vizuri ili vijana wetu wapate ujuzi wenye viwango vya kimataifa na hivyo kushindana katika soko la ajira la sasa.

Ndugu wananchi
Nafurahi kuzindua Mradi huu nikiwa na matumaini makubwa kwamba Watanzania hasa vijana sasa tumepata moja ya ufumbuzi wa changamoto ya ajira hasa kwa vijana, kwa kutumia fursa ambazo zimejitokeza katika Sekta hii.

Ndugu wananchi na Wageni Waalikwa,
Baada ya kusema haya machache, sasa natangaza rasmi kuwa nimezindua rasmi Mradi huu wa Mafunzo na Elimu ya Ufundi Stadi kwa Sekta ya Gesi na Mafuta ya Petroli kwa chuo cha ufundi stadi Lindi.

Ahsanteni sana kwa kunisikiliza.


Alhamisi, 24 Oktoba 2013





Confidence to respond to the questions was also an interesting part of the radio program especially to girls who were very active during the program. Amina Fakihi a student from VETA Mtwara responding to the question posed by radio presenter during the live talk show with Pride FM Mtwara.
Some questions came from the radio presenter to the student as part of making sure the agenda is fully exhausted. In this photo ; Amina Fakihi trying to understand the question from radio presenter (not seen) during one of the live talk show/discussion.
High concentration and closer to the microphone to make sure the listener gest what he/she deserves from the student on air was also interesting thing.
It was about listening and responding precisely to the issues raised by the communities for the improvement of the project. VETA Teacher Mr. Nyangawa keeping concentration while the program goes on.
The radio program was very successful with a number of communities giving positive comments, constructive challenges and questions regarding the EEVT project. Here VETA teacher; Mr. Mmari responding to one of the listener's question during the live talk show.
VETA teacher from Electrical workshop (Mr. Mmari) was also very keen to jot down questions from listeners around Lindi and Mtwara. At least 80% of questions were meant to ask for clarifications on how to get enrolled, school fees structure, access to the EEVT project and entry qualification.
Some of the issues and questions were directly related to the project. The VSO EEVT Project Manager (Mawazo Mataje) had to clarify to the communities. But this was very rarely because wanted beneficiaries to speak for themselves.
The radio program was also about getting feedback from the communities and sometimes you need a very high concentration because young people within Mtwara and Lindi were also asking questions to their fellows. In this photo; Asha Seleman from Electrical workshop looks very keen to listen to a question from the listener.
It was about explaining how the EEVT project facilitate the youth in VETA Mtwara and VETA Lindi to get exposed into international expertise and experience from VSO advisors.
Radio Presenter -Assad Mdimu (Pride FM Mtwara) is in action to let the discussion go with VETA students and their teachers.