Minister of Education and Vocational Training (MoVET) Hon. Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa, giving remarks before welcoming the Guest of Honour during the launch of EEVT project at VETA Mtwara (Nov 2012)
Vice President of Tanzania; Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal delivering speech during inauguration of EEVT project at VETA Mtwara in November 2012
Director General (VETA), Eng. Zebadiah Moshi giving remarks and introduction on behalf of VETA staff and VSO Tanzania during the launch of EEVT project - VETA Mtwara (Nov 2012)
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from VSO HQ in UK - Marg Mayne, delivering her remarks during the launch of EEVT project at VETA Mtwara (Nov2012)
A moment of cherish and exchange of words; L-R; Vice President of Tanzania Dr. Mohamed G. Bilal and CEO of VSO Marg Mayne after the launch of the gas industry project for Mtwara and Lindi
Vice President of Tanzania Dr. M.G. Bilal shaking hands with the CEO of VSO - Marg Mayne during the launch of EEVT project Mtwara
Country Director for VSO Tanzania - Jean Van Wetter in an Interview with BBC World Service.
Members of the British Gas Group (in front) and VSO at the back in the group photo after the launch of the gas industry related project (EEVT) in November 2012 at VETA Mtwara.
Group photo of VSO technical advisors, VSO staff, BG group staff and VETA staff after the launch of the EEVT project at VETA Mtwara in November 2012
Vice President of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Mohamed G. Bilal (C) cutting the ribbon to show the sign of launching the EEVT project (Nov 2012) as witnessed by Dr. S. Kawambwa (Minister of Education and Vocational Training - R) and Mtwara Regional Commissioner (L) Colonel Joseph Simbakalila.
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