VETA Vision - VETA’s vision is to be an excellent VET system that is capable of supporting national social economic development in a global context.
Partners implementing the EEVT project
Project Profile
The EEVT Project is implemented by the Vocational Education Training Authority (VETA) and international development charity VSO, in partnership with BG Tanzania. The EEVT project (Enhancing Employability through Vocational Training) aims at improving the employability of young people in the regions of Mtwara and Lindi, with a focus on the growing demand for skilled labour in the gas industry and related services. Over 2 years, VETA teachers and their students will be trained by tutors from VSO. On the long run, VETA will be capable of producing a steady stream of qualified craftsmen and teachers.
More than 620 students from VETA Mtwara and more than 224 students from VETA Lindi are benefiting from the project. The number of students benefiting from the project will continue to increase as more students continue to join for both short and long courses while others graduating as from 2014. 4 Teachers from VETA Lindi and 7 VETA Mtwara are also part of beneficiaries in this project through capacity building (training by City and Guilds) and also one-on one coaching from VSO technical advisors.
The EEVT project is governed by the signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) which among other things stipulates the role of each partner to the project. GIZ, VETA, VSO Tanzania and Tanzania LNG have signed the MOU which provides the framework of all operations and project activities
in a model of partnership approach. On 10th October 2013, the three partners have also signed another MOU for EEVT VETA Lindi extension in the presence of Hon. First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete who was the Guest of Honour during inauguration of the project in Lindi. Prior the Lindi inauguration, the same project was also inaugurated in November 2012 by Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib
Bilal at VETA Mtwara. The project steering committee, with membership representation from GIZ, VETA, Tanzania LNG and VSO Tanzania, is the top overseer and decisive body of the project.
Since 2014, the project has scaled up in terms of support and recognition where more extractive companies have joined their forces to support the project. Currently, the project is supported by GIZ and Tanzania LNG Plant Project - a joint venture combined of 5 major O&G companies (BG Group, Ophir, Pavilion Energy, ExxonMobil and Statoil). The first phase of the project ended in December 2015 (2012-2015) and the second was extended for the next 2 years from January 2016 to December 2017.
Among the notable and key components covered in phase includes industry Links program, Capacity of Centers, Quality of Training, International Accreditation and Career Matching. These five components form the basis of EEVT phase two project where a block system approach will be introduced and placing industry links at the core of the project. In addition, phase two has added three new trades based on the experience of phase one; scaffolding, plant operator and industrial painting of which the training is expected to be provided in short course basis.
More than 620 students from VETA Mtwara and more than 224 students from VETA Lindi are benefiting from the project. The number of students benefiting from the project will continue to increase as more students continue to join for both short and long courses while others graduating as from 2014. 4 Teachers from VETA Lindi and 7 VETA Mtwara are also part of beneficiaries in this project through capacity building (training by City and Guilds) and also one-on one coaching from VSO technical advisors.
The EEVT project is governed by the signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) which among other things stipulates the role of each partner to the project. GIZ, VETA, VSO Tanzania and Tanzania LNG have signed the MOU which provides the framework of all operations and project activities
in a model of partnership approach. On 10th October 2013, the three partners have also signed another MOU for EEVT VETA Lindi extension in the presence of Hon. First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete who was the Guest of Honour during inauguration of the project in Lindi. Prior the Lindi inauguration, the same project was also inaugurated in November 2012 by Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib
Bilal at VETA Mtwara. The project steering committee, with membership representation from GIZ, VETA, Tanzania LNG and VSO Tanzania, is the top overseer and decisive body of the project.
Since 2014, the project has scaled up in terms of support and recognition where more extractive companies have joined their forces to support the project. Currently, the project is supported by GIZ and Tanzania LNG Plant Project - a joint venture combined of 5 major O&G companies (BG Group, Ophir, Pavilion Energy, ExxonMobil and Statoil). The first phase of the project ended in December 2015 (2012-2015) and the second was extended for the next 2 years from January 2016 to December 2017.
Among the notable and key components covered in phase includes industry Links program, Capacity of Centers, Quality of Training, International Accreditation and Career Matching. These five components form the basis of EEVT phase two project where a block system approach will be introduced and placing industry links at the core of the project. In addition, phase two has added three new trades based on the experience of phase one; scaffolding, plant operator and industrial painting of which the training is expected to be provided in short course basis.
Ijumaa, 19 Septemba 2014
VETA Mtwara Hosting Lord Hollick and British High Commissioner for a project visit
Diana Melrose; British High Commissioner (C) together with food production students in a group photo |
Lord Hollick (C) and Claude - VSO food production advisor (L) during a discussion in a new kitchen which was constructed by VETA and all new equipment were supported by EEVT project |
Salome Makamba (L); Community Liaison Officer from Tanzania LNG taking her share of cake during the visit to Food production kitchen - VETA Mtwara |
Diana Melrose; British High Commissioner (C) during her visit motor vehicle mechanics |
Lord Hollick (R) during his visit in Motor vehicle mechanics |
Diana Melrose (British High Commissioner - L) together with Lord Hollick (third from left) during a visit to EEVT project at VETA Mtwara |
Jumamosi, 26 Aprili 2014
Regional Director (South East Zone for VETA) Mr. Soko, giving answers to questions posed by MPs about the EEVT project and VETA in general
Hon. J. Mhagama giving clarifications to MPs during a meeting at VETA Mtwara |
Hon. Prof. Kahigi (MP) giving remarks and asking questions for clarifications during a meeting after workshop tour |
Chairperson of the Social Service Committee, Hon. M. Sitta giving remarks during the visit to VETA Mtwara for EEVT project |
Hon. J. Mhagama in a photo with Dora - Public Relation Officer; VETA HQ |
Hon. J. Mhagama in a photo with Mr. J. Kibehele (VETA Mtwara Principal) at the food preparation kitchen |
MPs at the food preparation kitchen where EEVT project is also implemented. |
MPs during their tour to the work where EEVT project is implemented |
Members of Parliamentary Social Service Committee, VETA staff and Deputy Minister (MoVET) in a group photos at VETA Mtwara. |
Deputy Minister of MoEVT, J. Mhagama (L) giving remarks during the short briefing the meeting at VETA Mtwara |
VETA Students at Mtwara Port
Dennis (R) and Justine (L) the former VETA students working at the gas company - ASCO at the port as taken during project at the port |
Welding screen is part of the health, safety and environment procedure during welding process. |
Welding and fabrication is one of the skills required by gas companies |
One of the former students from VETA employed by gas company at Mtwara port. |
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